
They Call It Worm. They Call It Lame. That’s Not Its Name.

They Call It Worm. They Call It Lame. That’s Not Its Name.

“Move over murder hornets. A new insect has people bugging out,” begins a segment for evening news viewers across the country. The story continues, but most can’t help but pause and question what just came out of their television speakers. Murder hornets? Murder hornet has become the popularized name for […]

Touch the Earth

When I think of Earth Day, the first thing I think of is spring. My mind fills with images of bumblebees and butterflies gliding around spring flowers and of groups of people gathering in their local park to plant trees or collect litter. I think of soil and worms and […]

Proposed Greenbelt Expansion Study Area - Streams and Water Map

The Greenbelt is Growing

Alternatives Journal and the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation are hosting a celebration of the possible expansion of the Greenbelt into Waterloo Region and Wellington County. There’s just one problem: earlier this month, Waterloo Regional council voted for revisions to the greenbelt expansion before agreeing to join. In fact, if […]

Hives for Humanity

Harvesting Community Pride

In the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver, a community is buzzing. Hives for Humanity is a non-profit organization based in Vancouver. They work to enhance the communities where their bee hives reside in by connecting people to honeybees and native bees, gardens and communities through the creation of opportunities. Their […]