Environmental Justice

Beyond Crisis, written , directed and edited by Kai Reimer-Watts, Toronto Creati

Beyond Crisis

THE OVERRIDING QUESTION in Kai Reimer-Watts’ Beyond Crisis is why is our response to climate change “absurdly slow”? Humanity is already experiencing horrific forest fires and flooding – think Fort McMurray and Hurricane Sandy – yet many of us still engage in the flying, driving and beef-eating which bring wide-spread […]

'Drawdown', edited by Paul Hawken. Penguin Books. 240 pp

‘Drawdown: The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming’

This is a book that addresses the climate crisis at its very roots. Editor Paul Hawken, who made his name with such environmental classics as Natural Capitalism and The Ecology of Commerce, says reducing or even halting new greenhouse gas emissions is not enough. At this moment in history we […]


Ontario MPP Peter Tabuns (NDP) tables climate damages legislation

The Toronto MPP and former Greenpeace head introduced Bill 21 Monday at Queen’s Park, legislation that would  pave the way for individuals, governments and businesses to sue fossil fuel companies for property damage or loss, the higher cost of insurance or infrastructure expenses to protect against future harm.

74 Brendan Larson

A World For My Daughter: An Ecologist’s Search for Optimism (REVIEW)

In this lyrical book, Alejandro Frid weaves together the experiential, scientific, Indigenous and activist strands of his life into a series of letters to his daughter, Twyla Bella. Frid’s book is motivated by a deep concern for the state of the world that his daughter’s generation will inherit, yet also […]