Suburban sprawl has defined much of the last half century of North American development. Suburban design and use have changed continuously throughout this period and are still evolving as suburban retrofit projects become ever more common.
Suburban sprawl has defined much of the last half century of North American development. Suburban design and use have changed continuously throughout this period and are still evolving as suburban retrofit projects become ever more common.
According to the New York Times, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be releasing plans to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from newly built coal power plants, with regulations for existing plants to follow by 2015. This is a direct response to President Obama’s climate change speech in June 2013, […]
The “Climate Change Containment Unit” (CCCU) is in action today at the site of an Enbridge emergency response exercise in North Dumfries where the controversial Line 9 crosses the Grand River. A\J got exclusive first access to the news. Arriving in a flotilla of three canoes, the CCCU joined the […]
THE DEBATE about the Keystone XL pipeline has dragged on for more than five years now, and it is beginning to look like a petroleum-fuelled version of the Napoleonic Wars. On one side, Big Oil and its revenue-hungry government allies want to maintain the Napoleonic status quo by expanding an aging […]
Anyone familiar with the pipeline debate in Canadian politics shouldn’t be surprised at the widespread public opposition to Enbridge’s proposed Line 9 project. As Keystone XL, Northern Gateway and now Line 9 struggle to gain acceptance and trust in Canada, oil sands producers are quickly turning to rail as an […]
The Canadian government is all-in on the tar sands, the nation’s reputation be damned. The Keystone XL pipeline has been a central focus of opponents of unlimited tar sand development, but it has been selected for challenge in part because the pipeline decision does not rest with a government that […]
For the first time in three million years our planet has approached 400 parts per million(ppm) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. CO2, as many people know, is the most important greenhouse gas (GHG) emission particle contributing to the dangerous environmental crisis we know as climate change. For reference, […]
On Friday, May 31, the BC government made its final written argument to the Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel (NJRP). The 99-page submission states that the province “cannot support the project as presented to the panel because Northern Gateway has been unable to address British Columbians’ environmental concerns.”
The case that I want to argue is that pipelines appear to be the best way of moving the huge volumes of crude oil and other forms of petroleum that our society will need for the foreseeable future. However desirable a low-petroleum and low-carbon conserver society may be, it is […]