
Meet the AJ Bloggers

You can subscribe to the RSS feed of any individual blog thread by clicking the RSS icon next to the blog name in the sidebar. You can also get one feed of all the blogs, reviews and events via the RSS button at the bottom of any page of the […]

Welcome to the new A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

Editorial: Rebooting

THIS ISSUE of Alternatives Journal came with a steep learning curve. After 41 years of profiling science and sustainability with a strong Canadian perspective, this winter we decided to kick our editorial mandate into higher gear. We chose to set bolder goals, expand our storytelling and play a broader (but still grounded) role […]

Welcome to the new A\J AlternativesJournal.ca

Alternatives Rebooted

IN ADDITION TO a completely redesigned magazine, we’re sporting a spiffy new website! Come on in and take a look around – but watch your step: it’s still in beta mode, so there may be a few bugs or broken links here and there.  Some new features you may want […]


In Defence of Science Panel

THE ALTERNATIVES TEAM travelled from Kitchener, Ontario, to Ottawa on Tuesday, September 25 to join the on-going discussion about the role of science in protecting Canada’s environment – and the well-being of all Canadians. We hosted a panel discussion, “In Defence of Science”, at the University of Ottawa, with the support of […]


Go Backstage at AJ

Our staffers are stoked to deliver an insider's view from the A\J production office, and to share their experiences at great environmental events.  Coming up on this blog:


The Sustainable AJ Blog

Emily Slofstra is the Associate Web Editor at A\J. She is a recent graduate of Environment Studies at WLU, and is now pleased to be splitting her time between Alternatives, her band The Tra La Las, and her urban homestead. Emily tries to live as plastic-free, local, and organic as […]


Current Events Blog Intro

Andrew is a freelance environmental writer and reporter based in Toronto with a Masters in Geography from the University of Toronto. When he's not writing he's usually cycling around town, thinking about what to write next.