TRANSCANaDA ABANDONED plans for an Energy East oil port in Cacouna, Quebec, earlier this month, pushing the projected finish date of the pipeline back two years, to 2020.
The Climate Case for Earth Day Every Day
Activists2010 to 2020 is the “critical decade,” the timeframe in which global carbon emissions must consistently decline if we are to stay within the moderate climate impact scenario outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – less than a 2 degree C rise in overall global warming. There is reason to […]
Mobilizing the Public to Move Beyond Crisis
Activists, Campaigns, Entrepreneurs, Scientists, Students, VolunteersAn estimated 400,000 people showed their solidarity and support for climate action in New York City at what is now known as the largest climate march in history – and that doesn’t include the 2,646 solidarity events held in over 160 countries around the world.
Virtuous Loop of Cow Poop
Agriculture, Methane, Reclamation, Renewables, WasteSome people, when handed lemons, make lemonade. Other people, like family farmer Bern Kotelko of Alberta, redefine what it means to get lemons, reframe the challenge of making juice from them, and create something far more useful and self-sustaining than lemonade. At least, that’s what Kotelko did when life handed […]
The Carbon Budget Explained in Two Minutes
Climate ChangeClimate science can be a difficult topic to talk about with its many unintuitive concepts, and it’s this confusion that leads to confused voters! This new animated series by Green Majority uses simple language and hand drawn animations to help explain the basic concepts of climate science that citizens need […]
Making Electric Vehicles Fun
Activists, Campaigns, Celebrities, Educators, InnovatorsELECTRIC VEHICLES (EVs) have been around since the early nineteenth century, and, at one point in the early 1900s, were one of the most popular forms of motor transportation.