
Stephen Bocking

Stephen Bocking, a regular contributor to Alternatives, is professor at and chair of the Environmental and Resource Science/Studies Program at Trent University and author of A\J’s EcoLogic blog.

You can follow Stephen on Twitter at @BockingStephen or read his blog: Environment, History and Science.

Author Articles


THE ATHABASCA RIVER begins in the Rockies and flows northeast, joining the Peace, Slave and Mackenzie to form Canada’s biggest river system. Just outside Jasper National Park, the river slides past the town of Hinton....
ELA boat on lake, foggy A\J

DAVID SCHINDLER is one of Canada’s most influential environmental scientists, both at home and abroad. Between 1968 and 1989, he directed the Experimental Lakes Area research facility in Ontario, leading...
ELA boat on lake, foggy A\J

Read the first half of the interview that was published in In Defence of Science.Stephen Bocking: Would you say that this is the most critical period in environmental protection, at least going back...

Stephen Bocking hearkens back to Aldo Leopold for a new ecological vision. How can we keep all of the parts and why should we? Bocking weaves politics and science together...

THE BUSH ERA IS OVER but the stain, including a string of last-minute legal changes, lingers. These “midnight regulations” made some things easier, such as dumping mine waste in streams...

COMBING THROUGH scientific studies and correspondents’ reports in her seaside home in Maine, Rachel Carson saw nature bludgeoned by a chemical barrage. Telling stories about the northern Barren Lands, Farley...

WHAT A LOVELY BOOM it was to be. Earth Day 1970 was a recent memory, and then president Richard Nixon was expanding American involvement in Vietnam. But for many, the...

Welcome to Living Classics, our new book review column. Upcoming issues of Alternativeswill include a look back on classic environmental books and reports. We’ve dusted off old copies of Silent Spring, the Berger...
Chalkboard Universe by Rob Gonsalves

THE LAST 40 YEARS have shown that science is essential to how we know, exploit and argue about nature. Scientists have identified environmental challenges – from contaminants to climate change...

Authors Blog

Canadian Rocky Mountain Ranch by Gonzalo Pineda Zuniga | Flickr
Originally published on Stephen Bocking's blog Environment, History, Science.There's a lot that can be said about the relations between environmental history and science. Historians often use scientific knowledge to figure out past...
Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Protest at Tufts University
Several years ago a prominent environmentalist spoke at my university. Soon, he told us, he would stop flying. We were impressed. A few years later I saw him hurrying out...
Woman and man having a conversation on the street.
The climate is changing, and more quickly than expected. What was once only in computer models is now before us: rising temperatures, melting Arctic ice, migrating species, Hurricane Sandy and...