Joe Pavelka

Joe Pavelka is an associate professor and coordinator of the Bachelor of Applied Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership program at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

Author Articles

Picture by William Huamani

WHILE GUIDING A GROUP of Danish tourists in the Manu Park region of the Peruvian Amazon in June 2012, William Huamani noticed something odd from their long boat on the...
rocky mountains, Peru, fog A\J

A NIGHT HIKE in the Amazon forest is incredibly deceptive. Your vision is limited to the narrow light of your headlamp, with stark blackness beyond. Cecropia leaves the size of serving trays...

View In the Shadow of Machu Picchu and Manu Park and Bonanza Tours of Peru from joe pavelka on Vimeo. View In the Shadow of Machu Picchu and Manu Park...

Authors Blog

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