The movie Selma was released earlier this month to widespread critical acclaim. While the film is beautifully made and relatively true to the history it is based on, there’s another achievement that most people overlook in the film.
The movie Selma was released earlier this month to widespread critical acclaim. While the film is beautifully made and relatively true to the history it is based on, there’s another achievement that most people overlook in the film.
Several weeks ago, I watched Pride, a fascinating political drama documenting the true story of a few London-based gay rights campaigners who in 1984 decided to support some beleaguered striking Welsh coal miners. It’s a genuinely heartwarming story about political solidarity. If you have a chance to see Pride, you […]
The Arctic is melting as a result of global warming, with sea ice shrinking at an alarming rate. Within 30 years, the Arctic Ocean is projected to be virtually free of summer sea ice. This has led to a significant increase in marine traffic and the expectation of even larger […]
Illustration by nik harron. Since the 2011 Fukushima catastrophe, the global decline in nuclear power has steepened. More than 20 countries are phasing out nuclear plants, have stopped the construction of new reactors, or passed laws prohibiting nuclear power. The number of reactors and nuclear electricity output is falling worldwide.
Investment managers are waking up to the fact that holding vast reserves in fossil fuel companies, especially for vital purposes such as pension funds, is an unacceptable risk for investors.
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The latest report from the Windfall Centre argues Ontario’s economy could benefit from the production of electric vehicles (EVs) to the tune of $3.6 billion by 2025.
Several years ago a prominent environmentalist spoke at my university. Soon, he told us, he would stop flying. We were impressed. A few years later I saw him hurrying out of the Air Canada frequent flyer lounge at Toronto airport. Even with the best of intentions it’s hard to separate […]
Australian scholars Peter Christoff and Robyn Eckersley argue that combatting climate change and meeting other environmental objectives can open new economic opportunities. However, their book Globalization & the Environment also notes that to be successful in the long run requires that “‘growing’ new ecologically sustainable industries … go hand in […]
Tim Nash, aka ‘The Sustainable Economist’ is a part-time economics professor at Sheridan College in Toronto, Canada as well one of the country’s leading sustainable investment advisers. Daryn Caister, A\J contributing editor and host of the Green Majority radio program, and Stefan Hoste