Michelle Di Cintio

Michelle is a former A\J editorial intern with a graduate diploma in Science Communication from Laurentian University. 

Author Articles

Humpback Mother and Calf via Fotolia

Justice Anne Mactavish ruled in February that the federal ministers of both the environment and fisheries have broken the law under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Justice Anne Mactavish...
Trout release at the Junction Creek

Photo gallery: Junction Creek Stewardship Committee  Photo gallery: Junction Creek Stewardship Committee Click to openGalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryThe forests of Sudbury at the end of August have yet to realize that autumn is approaching....

Leilani Münter is a “vegan hippie chick with a racecar.” She’s been a successful professional driver for more than a decade and an unlikely champion of environmental awareness in her...
Ice melt feedback loops

The month of May 2014 was packed with stark realizations about the state of our polar ice caps. The collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet is unstoppable, according to...

Authors Blog

Director Carol Ann Weaver organized Sound in the Land 2014 - Music and the Environment with a simple purpose: "We hope to listen to the earth differently." And so for...