Author: emily

In With The Old

WINDOWS IN HISTORIC BUILDINGS are often a source of tension between the historic preservation movement and people who want to increase the energy efficiency of older buildings by replacing wooden windows with vinyl ones. To support its case, the preservation movement argues, “The greenest building is the one that is […]

Great $aves

MODERN CONCERNS about energy started with two oil-price shocks in the 1970s, coming to the fore again in the 1980s with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Then, more recently, we experienced the Deepwater Horizon and Fukushima disasters. Who knows what the future holds?

stephen carpetner2

The New Normal

ENERMODAL ENGINEERING is Canada’s largest consulting firm exclusively dedicated to creating green buildings and communities. The company recently celebrated its 100th LEED-certified building, and its president and founder Stephen Carpenter was named a LEED fellow. He spoke with Alternatives’ podcaster Mark Brooks. Mark Brooks: What exactly is LEED certification?

Canadian flag, snowy mountains. A\J

The Myths That Make Us

When I was asked to compare nature literature in Canada and the United States, particularly in the West, I quickly went for my bookshelves – only to discover that the lion’s share of my library was still far away, sequestered, like a lost collection of ancient Middle Eastern scrolls in […]