Waterloo, Ontario, June 6th 2019
Waterloo, Ontario, June 6th 2019
Congratulations to all the winners of the 2019 YRE Canada Eco-Journalism Competition for Youth! Youth from across the country investigated solutions to environmental challenges in their communities (and around the world), and shared their findings through video, photography, and writing.
How many plastic water bottles does it take to create a back-to-school kit? According to R3VOLVED, the magic number is 7.25. This Toronto-based company specializes in school, home and office supplies made from recycled material. R3VOLVED founders Jaquelyn Cyr and Suzanne Dyment are making it their mission to inspire green […]
EACH WEEK, A\J staffers share our favourite facts & findings from whatever books, articles, documentaries, podcasts and other media we’ve been consuming. Here’s what we’ve learned this week!
Picture this: You’re out for an evening paddle on a clear, crisp night but it’s getting a little chilly, so you reach into your backpack and pull out 25 two-litre plastic bottles to wrap cosily around you. While this sounds far-fetched, it’s pretty much what happens when you pull on […]