Happy Earth Day everyone! This year we have been so incredibly proud to partner with Earth Day Canada once again to celebrate, and spread the word about this day. If you aren’t already aware, Earth Day Canada’s campaign this year was centred around eco-anxiety – what that feeling is, and how to deal with.
Artwork by Margarita Krasutskaya
On the theme of eco-anxiety, we partnered with Earth Day Canada to create our ‘Every Day Eco-Heroes’ series. The aim of this series was to shine a spotlight on Canadian environmental activists who make every day, Earth Day. This series can be found here:
Additionally we created a few off series posts, centred around ideas of sustainability and the feelings of eco-anxiety! These articles can be found here:
Thank you so much for joining us for this collaboration, and a very special thanks to Earth Day Canada for making this possible. We hope you have had a great Earth Day so far, and hope that these articles can inspire you in some form or fashion to make every day Earth Day.